"The strength of an army, like the momentum in mechanics, is determined by the mass times the velocity." --- Napoleon "The history of armored warfare shows that great prizes can be won by speed, daring, and maneuver." --- F.W. von Mellenthin "The entire art of war consists of a well-reasoned and extremely circumspect defensive, followed by a rapid and audacious attack." --- Napoleon In a tank battle, if you stand still, you are lost." --- Hasso von Manteuffel "Few men are naturally courageous but training and exercise can make them good soldiers." --- Emperor Maurice of Byzantium "War is not so difficult as people think." --- George Patton "In war the moral is to the physical as three is to one." --- Napoleon "Better rashness than inertia; better a mistake than hesitation." --- German military manual "Deceit in the conduct of war outweighs valor and is worthy of merit." --- Machiavelli "Our strategy is to pit one against ten and our tactics are to pit ten against one." --- Mao Tse Tung "The defensive is easier than the offensive, for all time not turned to any account falls in favor of the defense." --- Carl von Clausewitz A line cannot everywhere be strong. "The offensive is the straight way to the goal; the defensive is the long way round." --- von Moltke "A swift and vigorous assumption of the offensive -- the flashing sword of vengeance -- is the most brilliant point in the defensive. --- Carl von Clausewitz. "It is the defender who primarily benefits from the terrain." --- Carl von Clausewitz. "There is no higher and simpler law of strategy than that of keeping one's forces concentrated." --- Carl von Clausewitz. "In tactics, as in strategy, superiority of numbers is the most common element in victory." --- Carl von Clausewitz. "A retreat should be continued until the balance of power is reestablished." --- Carl von Clausewitz. "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance..." --- Last words of General John Sedgwick, May 9, 1864. "In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one." --- Napoleon Bonaparte "Klotzen, nicht kleckern!" ("Boot 'em, don't spatter 'em") --- General Heinz Guderian. Fight on the ground of your own choosing.